TWI Problem Solving– Help in Empowering Workers and Supervisors
TWI problem solving is all about creating value and better results for your organization: when leaders and supervisors can handle problems – which are foreseeable in any organization effectively and emphasis on the value-adding work. Therefore, the program is designed to teach a dynamic approach to problems that make TWI PS long-lasting. Through TWI problem solving , people can easily deal with now and future problems. Generally solving complex problems involve people and process. Daily results in the basics of quality, quantity, cost and safety often do not meet the expected standard. Things obstruct these results, very seldom through objective. Depending on the intricacy of the problem, generally hamper is not merely a result of a single factor, rather more factors coming with the passage of time. Generally it has seen that below standard results are unacceptable to management at any level and will lead to only one end. With the increasing complexity, organizations operati...