How to build strong relationship with employees, worker, supervisor and mangers in an organization?

If you are running any organization and you are looking for healthy relationship between your employees then, you must know about TWI Job Relations , it is a leadership skills development program that, specifically created to teach manager and supervisors that how to build trust and collaboration? and how they can handle people problems sustainably? Where, senior managers focus on how to improve the way and their operations are running? TWI Job Methods is also the TWI program that purely focuses on improving work processes and their procedures. The purpose of this TWI program is to produce bulk quantities of quality material in very less span of time by ensuring the best utilization of man power, machines, and materials currently available. With the help of TWI job relations, you can build a leadership culture with respect, cooperation and trust among employees. Core competencies of TWI job relations: • Analyzing problems, identifying issues and their conflicts as soon as po...