Training within Industry–How Helpful for Employees?
Initially, Training within Industry (TWI) was created by the United States government to tackle the problems of workers going to become a part of the World War II. As most of the factory workers were men, it was important to provide the knowledge of how to do their jobs. That time, Training Within Industry was built around the five things that every supervisor needs to be effective such as knowledge of the work, knowledge of responsibility, skills in instructing, skills in improving methods, and skills in leading. To best deal with all these, few programs were created including Job Instruction (JI), Job Methods (JM), and Job Relations (JR). TWI Job Instruction training taught supervisors and experienced workers to train new or inexperienced workers to shorten the learning time. The jobs to be performed were divided into discrete steps with procedures and key points for the job. TWI Job Instruction was selected as the means to simplify the training and reduce the errors being made ...