TWI Program Management– Benefits of TWI Job Instruction For Workers

TWI program is a program which supports the development of management skills of leaders and supervisors. The origin of the program dates back to the early 40s of the last century. The activities of the program aimed to include people who had never worked in production to work in industry. Mainly, they were women, men who were so young to be recruited into the US army and administrative staff.

Reasons Behind TWI Program Creation

The objective of the TWI program was the rapid development of new talented staff in order to achieve high growth in productivity, quality and occupational safety. Basically, this program includes the development of three managerial skills which are important in the work of leaders and experienced employees:

• Instruct employees
• Improve working methods
• Build good relations with employees

The TWI program was designed for experienced employees, and not to new employees. The vital programs provide ready-made tools which support the management of the employees by their supervisors.

For many organization across the world, Training Within Industry (TWI) courses supply ready-made programs for helping supervisors deal with problems related to training, handling people, and making small daily improvements.

Job Instruction (JI)

Job Instruction is the first method of teaching workers to perform required job skills, with an emphasis on performing job correctly and safely, rising up to productivity on the new skills as rapidly as possible and reducing waste and damage.

Job instruction is an effective way to quickly remember to perform a job correctly, safely and carefully. Generally people prepare a time table for training which include who to train, what work elements and more.

Job instruction method is widely used for presenting the job/operation to the worker. The job instruction method is pretty strict about how to present the operation-meaning, know how to show the worker the steps of the job.

• Tell the worker how many steps there are in the job
• Demonstrate the job, step-by-step
• Demonstrate the entire job again
• Pay attention to the worker

The job instruction method is also used in a way of letting the worker practice the job/task during the training. The vital steps include:

If the worker accomplish the task on his/her own – It’s the duty of the trainer to closely watch the worker if they are performing the task silently and quickly stop the process if the worker is doing something wrong, providing relevant feedback to them back on the tracks.

If you worker is performing the task error-free again – The trainer have to perform the same process again.

If the instructor will observe the worker – When instructor is satisfied that the worker has mastered the skill, end training for the worker and let the worker perform the task on the job.


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